Spring in Russia - Bolt Action Battlefield Pictures

Spent a wonderful Saturday afternoon with friends playing Bolt Action and having a BBQ.
Some impressions from the our small scenario which had ~800 points on each side - Germans vs. Russians. The Germans defended a little village somewhere in Western Russia 1943 and the Russians tried to cut this German resistance pocket off in order to bleed them out.

The game was a terrible loss for the Germans who got almost completely annihilated in about 5 rounds. Not only were they overwhelmed by the amount of Russian troops, but they also suffered from terrible dice rolls while the Russian player pretty much rolled whatever he needed. 

Sharing a few impressions:

The calm before the storm

German units deployed and ready waiting for Ivan

Viewpoint from the Russians

The Red Army advancing

German command post

German units under heavy fire from incoming Russians

Veteran units protecting the outer wall of the church 

T34 taking a look at the big cat

At the end of the battle

In case you have missed my posts about the Germans in this game, you can find those here and here.

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